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6:08 AM
We need land Policy
Written By Joining Hands Network on Monday, June 29, 2020 | 6:08 AM
"land is our Life"
'We need the Land policy "[Voice of the people who are struggling for the land rights]
We have conducted two meetings on 27 and 28 of June at Hadapanagala in Monaragala district and at Addalachchanai in Ampara district.They were presented People land commission report which was prepared from the 18 districts marginalizes people hearings .District PARL leaders and CSOs leaders joint the meetings.
3:53 AM
PEOPLE’S LAND COMMISSION REPORT 2019-2020 -Our land is our life
Written By Joining Hands Network on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 | 3:53 AM
The People’s Land Commission was initiated with the objective of studying the many problems and consequential impacts faced by communities as a result of existing land policies, land laws and land administration procedures and practices. This consultative process focused on the continuing exclusion of peoples’ concerns in formulating government policies.
You can read this Document and give your comments and ideas to future actions
2:36 AM
Threat for the freedom of Expression
A clear example that the protest which conducted on 09th June in front of the US embassy was blocked by the police.though the people conducted through following the health instructions.. Therefore, now democracy became into the question. The struggle leaders say that the people who protest for their land rights will be a huge challenge in the future.
Praja Abhilasha
Main Activities
01. Conducting Research.
02. Pressurizing for land rights.
03. Mobilizing the landless people.
04. File court cases regarding land issues.
05. Networking the affected communities.
06. Providing Trainings for leaders.
07. Conduct workshops.
02. Pressurizing for land rights.
03. Mobilizing the landless people.
04. File court cases regarding land issues.
05. Networking the affected communities.
06. Providing Trainings for leaders.
07. Conduct workshops.